DMETRE (Developmental, Maternal and  perinatal Epidemiology and Translational Research Evidence) is an innovative multidisciplinary research program to understand how the first 1,000 days of human life influence future health.

DMETRE is located at the Department of Public Health Sciences at Queen's University in Kingston (Canada) 

Why the first 1,000 days of life matter?

The first 1,000 days of life - the period between conception and a child's second birthday - are a unique window of opportunities to support child development and long-term health. This critical period has an enormous short- and long-term impact on the health and well-being of unborn babies, infants and young children as well as on the pregnant and lactating mother and their partners.

Environmental factors and nutrition during this 1,000 day-window can have positive effects on a baby's growth, brain development, digestive tract, metabolism, respiratory and immune system.


We are located at Carruthers Hall at Queen's University, which is situated on the unceded territory of Katarokwi, also known by the colonized name of Kingston; traditional lands of the Anishinaabe and the Haudenosaunee peoples. To this day, it continues to be the home of the Anishinaabe and the Haudenosaunee peoples, as well as for a significant Métis community and First Peoples from other Nations across Turtle Island.

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